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This print is a reproduction of an original oil-on-canvas artwork created over 30 years ago, which holds a special place in the artist's personal collection. Crafted during a formative period in her twenties while studying art, the piece captures a time of significant creative exploration and growth. The artist produced it in a charming studio alongside a group of talented peers, drawing profound inspiration from her parents' memorable journey along the Norwegian coast.


Her parents' voyage, which spanned from Bergen to Nordkapp aboard a coastal steamer, was marked by stunning landscapes and captivating stories. The Norwegian concept of koselig, signifying a sense of coziness and warmth, deeply influenced her artistic approach. Although the rich textures of the oil paint—sometimes as thick as a quarter inch—may not be fully conveyed in images, the artwork aims to express the intimate and inviting atmosphere of that journey.


The piece also holds significant personal value for her family. It is one of her sons' most treasured works, evoking cherished memories of a family trip to Finland, where they enjoyed a similarly picturesque outdoor meal in the Arctic Circle. For the artist, this work represents both a pivotal moment in her artistic evolution and a beloved family memory.


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stilleven 7 - Print

  • Name stilleven 7
    Year  2024
    Size 48"in (w) x 30"in. (h)
    Medium Archival Canvas Print
    Weight 6 lbs
    Price  $7,300 USD


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